What About Very Old Friends?

My MESBG journey started in 2004 when 12-year-old me used up his lawn mowing allowance to purchase The Return of the King box set. I read through the rules at a 7th grade reading level and played a few games with the neighbor kid now realizing how we were playing was totally wrong (you do not add the fight values all together when in combat lol). Regardless we had some fun rolling dice and collecting some additional sets, the metal dwarf warriors and the Mines of Moria set to name a few. The models eventually got put on the shelf to collect dust. Fast forward about 12 years later to 2017. My very good friend Nick and I had gotten into collecting board games. One day I brought out my old MESBG models to show him and I had the full intention to sell them to buy additional games. When I took them out to show him, he was extremely intrigued by them. It was as if I had just handed him The One Ring. We discovered GW was releasing a revamped set of rules in 2018 and I once again found myself playing and collecting MESBG. I moved to Nashville in 2020 and with Nick four states away in Wisconsin it was hard to continue gaming. I have since picked the game back up with a fantastic group in Nashville and discovered that one of the largest MESBG tournaments in the US, Adepticon is now hosted in my old stomping grounds of Milwaukee, WI. With this news Nick and I knew we had to make the doubles tournament happen this year! In order to brush off the cobwebs and get Nick back up to speed we have turned to Tabletop Simulator to try out some lists and get some practice in for Adepticon. Without further ado the rest of this post will be a report on our first practice game.

The List

Work in process……


Chapter 4 Don’t Be Hasty